Friday, December 18, 2009



In Part III of the listening section, examinees hear three short segments from a radio program. The program is called "Learning from the Experts". Examinees hear what three different radio guests have to say about three different topics. Each talk lasts about three minutes. Examinees are encouraged to take notes in their test booklets while listening to the segments. After each segment, examinees are asked questions about what was heard. They must select, from the printed answer choices, the best answers to the questions.

Following is an example of one segment and questions. The video segments shown here are merely illustrative.

Question 1.
What was the problem with the magnets created by the North-American scientists?

a) They worked only at low temperatures.
b) They didn't work at low temperatures.
c) They had to be created inside a special lab.

Question 2.
How did the Canadian team modify their earlier models?

a) They added more free radicals.
b) They did not modify them.
c) They changed the proportions of the ingredients.

Question 3.
What is the main disadvantage of plastic magnets so far?
a) They don't work at room temperature.
b) They are not powerful enough.
c) They lose their strength over time.

Question 4.
What do the Canadians still need to find out in order to improve their magnets?
a) At which temperatures they work best.
b) Which chemicals to use.
c) The best chemical ratios.

Question 5.
According to the speakers, what is one reason that scientists want to develop plastic magnets?
a) They want to improve medical devices.
b) There is a shortage of metal magnets.
c) Plastics are inexpensive to make.

* Adapted from the ECCE Information Bulletin(FREE COPY), provided by the Testing and Certification Division of the English Language Institute - University of Michigan. For more, visit


  1. ECPE - LST Part III - Answer Key

    Question 1 - a
    Question 2 - c
    Question 3 - b
    Question 4 - c
    Question 5 - a
